Maltese Curiosities

Maltese Sunday morning village entertainment – Ghana
Maltese villagers either spend Sunday morning at Sunday mass or at local bars and clubs drinking beer and eating nibbles that bar and club owners offer for free with drinks. The more you drink, the more nibbles you get. These consist of Maltese hobz biz-zejt (Maltese bread with tomato paste, olives and olive oil) bigilla (bean paste), gbejniet (maltese cheeselets), broad beans, snails, timpana chicken etc. Sometimes in certain bars Maltese ghana takes place. Ghanejja (singers of ghana) gather with 2 or 3 guitarists and take it in turns to respond to each other as they spontaneously sing and rhyme their responses. One such bars where Ghana takes place on most Sunday mornings at around 10.30am is Ta Ganna in Zejtun.

Maltese Ghana at Ta Ganna Zejtun
Maltese Ghana at Ta Ganna Zejtun

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